Tenants Satisfaction Measures (TSM)
How is our performance measured?
In September 2022, the Regulator for Social Housing announced a suite of performance measures that all Registered Providers of social housing would be required to measure themselves against and report to the regulator and their residents from April 2024. You can find a copy of the survey carried out here.
Perception data we collected
We collected the following perception data from our residents between April 2023 and March 2024 in relation to Tenant Satisfaction Measures, primarily by survey via text or email and this dashboard below shows our full performance against these measures.
We use this information, along with the verbatim feedback we collect from our residents to improve how we deliver our services, and we will keep you informed along the way.
“As a resident member of the Operations Committee, I have taken an active role in overseeing IDS’s performance over the last year. It is great to see the improvements over the year and how seriously IDS are taking resident experience. There is still improvements we are working on with the Operations Committee but it is clear that IDS are listening to their residents focussing on improvements.”
– Chair of the Evelyn Court Residents Association and Operations Committee member.
Overall satisfaction
Satisfaction that IDS listen and act
Satisfaction that IDS keeps residents informed with things that matter to them
Agreement that IDS treats residents fairly and with respect
Satisfaction that IDS make a positive contribution to neighbourhoods
Repairs and maintenance
Satisfaction with repairs
Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair
Satisfaction with well maintained home
Satisfaction that the home is safe
Satisfaction that communal areas are cleaned and maintained
Homes that do not meet the Decent Homes Standard
(Urgent and routine) repairs completed within target timescale
(Emergency) repairs completed within target timescale
Anti-social behaviour
Satisfaction with approach to ASB handling
ASB cases relative to the size of the landlord
ASB cases (hate related) relative to the size of the landlord
Satisfaction with complaints handling
Stage 1 complaints relative to size of landlord
Stage 2 complaints relative to size of landlord
Stage 1 complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales
Stage 2 complaints responded to within Complaint Handling Code timescales
Safety checks
Gas safety checks
Fire safety checks
Asbestos safety checks
Water safety checks
Lift safety checks
Performance compared to 2023 starting point
In preparation for the launch of the new measures, we carried out an initial survey in January 2023 of these questions so that we had data for comparison purposes. The below graph shows how your performance over the year compares to this starting point.