Complaints and feedback
We are really keen to capture learning from any feedback received to improve the services we deliver. We look at all feedback, both good and bad, and we welcome you to contact us.
How to report a complaint to us
We welcome complaints whichever way you feel most comfortable via letter, email, online form or in person. If customers prefer, we are happy that complaints are reported via our staff who will then note the content of the complaint. We will also accept complaints from a third party or representative where consent has been provided.
What happens when a complaint is made
What can you expect
However you make your complaint to us, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing, by letter or email. This will outline your complaint and let you know the date you can expect a response.
You may be contacted by the investigating officer to gather some more details from you, or to clarify some of the issues you have raised.
You will receive a written response, sent by post or email within the time frame specified in your acknowledgement (usually 10 working days for a Stage 1 complaint, and 20 working days for a State 2 complaint).
If you are unhappy with the response we have provided, you have the option to escalate your complaint to Stage 2, or the Ombudsman.
What do we do?
We will log your complaint which will have a unique reference number. This will start with CF00.
We will assign an investigating officer – someone in the management team who is not directly involved in the complaint you made.
We will investigate and make a decision about your complaint. We will advise you whether your complaint is upheld (we agree) or not upheld (we do not agree).
Contact details for the Housing Ombudsman: 0300 111 3000 or
If you require this document to be translated into another language, please let us know by calling 020 8800 9606 or emailing
The Housing Ombudsman
The Housing Ombudsman provides a free service and you can contact them at any point about a complaint. You can find more details on their webpage here by emailing or calling 0300 111 3000
The complaint handling code was introduced by the Housing Ombudsman to set out the recommended way to deal with complaints. Click here to see our latest self assessment.
At IDS, we’re committed to providing great service, but if things go wrong, you may be entitled to compensation.
Here’s a simple guide to our Compensation Policy.