Home | Residents | Moving home
We know that moving from your home, even temporarily, can be stressful. That’s why we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Why might I need to move out of my home?
Sometimes, necessary repairs, redevelopment, or safety concerns mean you may need to leave your home. This process is called a decant. There are three types of decant moves:
Emergency Decant:
Urgent move due to safety concerns, with repairs expected to take a few days.
Temporary Decant:
Repairs require you to be away for a few weeks.
Permanent Decant:
Major repairs or redevelopment mean you won’t return to your current home.
What happens if you need to move?
We will assess your household’s needs to find you suitable temporary or permanent accommodation.
Temporary housing may include a hotel, staying with family, or a temporary home provided by your local council.
If a permanent move is needed, we will offer you a new permanent home, matching your current tenancy conditions.
You will have a dedicated person to guide and support you through the process, including organising your move and keeping you informed.

What costs will we cover?
If you’re moved temporarily or permanently, we will cover the reasonable costs of your move, including:
- Moving your furniture and belongings.
- Temporary storage of your items.
- Reconnecting utilities (e.g., phone lines).
- Redirection of mail for three months.
- Replacement or refitting of flooring, curtains, etc.
If you have to move permanently, you are entitled to a Home Loss Payment of £8,100 (from October 2023). If you’re a homeowner, this amount will be based on 10% of your home’s market value, up to £81,000.
What if I don’t want to move?
If you refuse to move, we will work with you to find a solution. If no agreement can be reached, we may need to take legal action. We’re committed to making the process as smooth as possible for you, treating everyone with fairness and respect throughout.
Contact us
We are here to support you. If you have questions or need help with any aspect of moving home please get in touch with us. We are here to help you every step of the way.