We want to be open with our Residents treating them with fairness and respect so that they can access services, raise complaints, influence decision making and hold us to account.
This is in line with Regulatory expectations and links to the Transparency, influence and accountability standard.
IDS (Industrial Dwellings Society) are regularly consulting with customers on new and updated policies. In August over 100 residents were consulted online about some of our key policies about , over 20 provided feedback – thank you!!
In addition to this, we also met face to face with some of the former resident’s forum members.
We are in the process of recruiting new members to this group, we will provide some more information to you in September in preparation for the re-launch of this group.

Policy feedback
We consulted you on ASB (Anti-Social Behaviour), decant, disrepair and compensation policies. Below you will find some of the questions raised and responses.
Anti-social behaviour
96% of residents agreed that it would still be useful at sign up to get new residents to sign the good neighbourhood agreement. This helps underpin the expectations between neighbours and encourage community cohesion – IDS will continue to use this document for new tenancies.
94% of residents agreed that our response times to standard and serious ASB cases are suitable and in line with industry standards. We also had some feedback that regardless of whether it is classed as standard or serious, all ASB is important which we wholeheartedly agree with and will be adding a line to reflect this.
88% of residents said that the expectations on IDS and residents are agreeable with the new disrepair policy – we hope that you will not be in this position and encourage you to report any repair issues you have to us. If you feel we are not listening please make a complaint.
You said “It would be nice to get some feedback on visits we have had regarding our property. There are usually comments by whoever is inspecting but we never seem to hear if anything if being acted upon.” This is written into the disrepair policy that following a disrepair inspection we will agree and share with you our findings and time frames for completion of works.
You said, “Some tenants like me work in education we don’t get annual leave, we have to make appointments during school holidays therefore, ids have to get more flexible with appointments.” We will always try to accommodate individual circumstances, and will work to ensure that residents have minimal disruption to their work commitments and will be looking at this with our repairs procurement.
The forum reviewed the decant policy and understood statutory payments were set by legislation and that the additional arrangements i.e. Re-direction of mail were helpful. They also felt that any additional payments must be reasonable.
In the coming weeks we will be again asking for your help with the following policies:,
- Complaints;
- Pest Control;
- Estate Management;
- Leasehold Management; and
- Service charges.
It is so important that we hear your views on any draft policies as they directly impact on you, we thank you for your continued engagement!